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Leap Month Collection

 As the Chinese calendar is 11 days shorter than the Western (Gregorian) calendar, a leap month is added every three years on average to compensate the difference. It is a Chinese belief that the act of giving and receiving gold ornaments during the leap month will bestow blessings on both the giver and receiver. According to Chinese custom, gifting gold to parents and elders during the Lunar Leap Month increases the receiver’s longevity and prosperity. Following this tradition, children gift their parents with gold jewellery as a symbol of filial piety to repay and bless them. Gifting gold to oneself and the younger generation is also a good practice to preserve the value of your money as well as an auspicious practice that signifies fortune, bliss and peace. This tradition has stood the test of time, and till today many Chinese families continue to follow this auspicious practice. 


世代相传的华人传统及文化习俗,也是我们华人的根基。无可否认现代的华人生活已融入不少西方色彩,但优良的中华传统文化习俗至今仍被华人积极传承与发扬。好比闰月, 源自于农历一年354天比西方阳历365天少11天,平均每三年在农历增加一个闰月,以填补差异。 根据华人传统习俗,在闰月期间买金赠送给父母和长辈能为他们添福添寿,以表示尽孝与感恩。此外,兄弟姐妹能聚集合购金饰给敬爱的双亲,也能维系手足之情,让父母心感安慰。而另一方面,购买金饰给自己或送后辈,也有保值与带来好运、福气和平安的寓意。这具有祝福涵意的闰月买金习俗仍受到许多华人家庭的重视与遵循,值得代代相传。
