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Poh Kong’s latest line in the floral motif 916/22k gold Anggun series, captures the art of beauty of culture, harmony and nature. The splendour floral motif is a symbol of demure and gracefulness, truly a representation of Asian beauty. Its contemporary design is a timeless treasure that can never go out of fashion. The exquisiteness of each floral piece accents eye-catching sparkle so dress to impress with Anggun series.

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Celebrating an anniversary is a wonderful time for you and your spouse to commemorate milestones in your marriage. Whether it’s your first anniversary or you're celebrating 15 years together, all anniversaries are significant milestones worth celebrating. When you take the time to celebrate with your husband or wife, you’ll help ensure many more anniversaries to come. While there's no right or wrong time to upgrade an engagement ring, milestone anniversaries present a great opportunity to indulge in a new piece of bling. Upgrade her Hemera diamond with 100% trade-in rate to sweep her feet all over again. Visit your nearest outlet to know more..

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The Art of Auspicious is one of Poh Kong in-house gold jewellery brand which showcase a series of well-crafted masterpieces designed with Fengshui elements. The Collection uses premium quality gold and A-grade jadeite incorporate with meaningful designs, definitely adding a symbolic touch to your individual style. Each year the collection will be refreshed with new additions.

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Auspicious Gold Coin

The Auspicious Gold Coin is a commemorative coin made of 999.9 pure gold, with a water dragon motif on one side to coincide with the Dragon Year. The round frame represents "completeness", which also means good luck. This coin is ideal for collectors, and comes in 1g, 3g, 5g, 10g, 20g, 50g, 100g, 150g and 250g.

吉祥金币是 999.9 纯金纪念金币,正面是一头活灵活现的水龙。圆框代表圆满圆润,寓意吉祥如意。此金币备有六种重量,即1克,3克,5克,10克,20克,50克, 100克,150克及250克。

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Auspicious Gold Coin

Bunga Raya Gold Bar

Poh Kong Bunga Raya Gold Bars are made of 999.9 fine polished gold to preserve the value of your investment. The design is simple and elegant, yet exudes wealthy extravagance. These gold bars come in 1g, 2g, 5g, 10g, 20g, 50g and 100g. The new packaging came with added security features such as security case and serial number.

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Bunga Raya Gold Bar

Deepavali 2024

Always look on the bright side of life and enjoy special moments with those around you. If you need a sweet reason to spice up your Diwali celebration with family and friends, Poh Kong has got you covered. Get ready to embrace the exciting Festival of Lights with these gorgeous jewellery that Poh Kong has lined up for this special occasion.

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 Motif flora memekar, dizahirkan dengan unik ke dalam rekaan koleksi Anggun - Bunga Raya, Alamanda, Melur, Orkid dan Karya Anggun sebagai simbol akan mekarnya rasa cinta buat dua jiwa yang bersatu melalui perkahwinan, bersama harapan akan perhubungan yang berkekalan. Jadikanlah koleksi perkahwinan Anggun dari Poh kong ini, sebagai sebahagian dari hari bersejarah anda, kerana, dengan Poh Kong, perkahwinan anda pasti akan menjadi lebih berseri.

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Happy Love

Poh Kong’s Happy Love Collection signifies fate, the philosophy of Eastern culture that unites two mortals who are meant to be together, from their first encounter, to falling in love, to getting engaged, and finally spending their endearing lives together. The collection boasts elegant gold jewellery imbued with Oriental touches that speak of culture and rich tradition.

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Happy Love

Happy Love

Poh Kong’s Happy Love Collection signifies fate, the philosophy of Eastern culture that unites two mortals who are meant to be together, from their first encounter, to falling in love, to getting engaged, and finally spending their endearing lives together. The collection boasts elegant gold jewellery imbued with Oriental touches that speak of culture and rich tradition.

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Happy Love


Diamonds have long been a symbol of love and commitment. Hemera, most brilliant diamond with 101 facets, is a true reflection of perfection with its superior light performance. Hemera 101 cut is patented in Antwerp, Belgium.

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Hemera Engagement Ring

Diamonds have long been a symbol of love and commitment. Hemera, the most brilliant diamond with 101 facets, is a true reflection of perfection with its superior light performance. Hemera 101 cut is patented in Antwerp, Belgium.

A reflection of perfection

One could opt for a generic round diamond which possesses 57 facets. But why settle for 57 facets when you can now astound the object of your affection with 101 facets? Now, that’s what we describe as being sparkles ahead.

The beautiful name, HEMERA, translates to 'goddess of daylight' in Greek and just as the name suggests, the gorgeous HEMERA diamond is poised to lift any gloom with its unique brand of perfection.

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Hemera Engagement Ring

Leap Month Collection

 As the Chinese calendar is 11 days shorter than the Western (Gregorian) calendar, a leap month is added every three years on average to compensate the difference. It is a Chinese belief that the act of giving and receiving gold ornaments during the leap month will bestow blessings on both the giver and receiver. According to Chinese custom, gifting gold to parents and elders during the Lunar Leap Month increases the receiver’s longevity and prosperity. Following this tradition, children gift their parents with gold jewellery as a symbol of filial piety to repay and bless them. Gifting gold to oneself and the younger generation is also a good practice to preserve the value of your money as well as an auspicious practice that signifies fortune, bliss and peace. This tradition has stood the test of time, and till today many Chinese families continue to follow this auspicious practice. 


世代相传的华人传统及文化习俗,也是我们华人的根基。无可否认现代的华人生活已融入不少西方色彩,但优良的中华传统文化习俗至今仍被华人积极传承与发扬。好比闰月, 源自于农历一年354天比西方阳历365天少11天,平均每三年在农历增加一个闰月,以填补差异。 根据华人传统习俗,在闰月期间买金赠送给父母和长辈能为他们添福添寿,以表示尽孝与感恩。此外,兄弟姐妹能聚集合购金饰给敬爱的双亲,也能维系手足之情,让父母心感安慰。而另一方面,购买金饰给自己或送后辈,也有保值与带来好运、福气和平安的寓意。这具有祝福涵意的闰月买金习俗仍受到许多华人家庭的重视与遵循,值得代代相传。

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Si Dian Jin 四点金

Si Dian Jin, the “four touches of gold” is a traditional custom commonly practiced by the Chinese Teochew. As a betrothal gift presented to the bride by the groom's mother, the Si Dian Jin comprises of 4 jewellery pieces made from gold - a nec klace, ring, bracelet or bangle and a pair of earrings. Poh Kong Happy Love’s Si Dian Jin series includes jewellery pieces from the Intertwined Heart Series, Endless Happiness Series, Hearts of Eternity Series, Heavenly Lovebirds Series, Perpetual Lover Se ries, and also line - ups from other series.

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Si Dian Jin 四点金


 Tranz®, the first designer gold jewellery in 916/22K gold, is inspired by design to bring out the spirit of self-expression and individual flair in contemporary women and men. Appealing to the new kind of beauty based on intelligence, real accomplishment and a strong sense of individuality, Tranz inspires the wearer with a renewed determination of optimism, confidence and vitality.

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Poh Kong unveiled Tranz exquisite pieces at Kuala Lumpur Fashion Week (KLFW), the most anticipated fashion event of the year. Centered around the theme 'Black & Gold', the fashion show featured a stunning line - up of new pieces with the ready - to - wear collection specially designed by a renowned Malaysian fashion designer Jimmy Lim. All products featured are Limited Editions and are available for Pre - Order only.

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Tranz x KLFW

Poh Kong unveiled Tranz exquisite pieces at Kuala Lumpur Fashion Week (KLFW) 2024, the most anticipated fashion event of the year. Centered around the theme 'Black & Gold', the fashion show featured a stunning line-up of new pieces with the ready to wear collection specially designed by a renowned Malaysian fashion designer ARUNSAYFULLDESIREE.

All products featured are Limited Editions and are available for Pre-Order only.

#Tranzklfw2024 #tranzbypohkong


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